Okay, I wasn't born in the wrong decade, but I was definitely born at the absolute worst time of the 80's. That would be in the third to last month of the 80's. How depressing. The 80's produced the best music of all time (such as "I just can't get enough" by Depeche Mode) and I completely missed it. It would be fanfriggintasic if they still played the 80's on the radio. But I guess I just have to wait a couple decades and just listen to Oldies 103.3... does that even still exist?
So lately in classes we have been talking about how young people, teens, etc. are addicted to the computer. I mean, they are the computer-aged generation but are we really addicted? I started thinking about it when my teacher said it as I checked my facebook... I think my computer has become grafted from my wrists. I don't think that's a good thing either. I feel like when I introduce myself to people now I am saying: "Hi, my name is Elisabeth and my problem is that I can't shut my computer off." and they chant back "Hi, Elisabeth." They should really have a... hmm... CARP... Computer Addicts Recovery Program. I'm pretty sure every college student would enroll. Melanie's computer, for instance, broke two weeks ago. She didn't have a computer for roughly five days. FIVE DAYS! And yet she seemed to always be anxiously rocking back in forth in the fetal position in the corner of our living room.
We should really get out more...
The fact that kids my age use more texts than minutes on average on our cell phone bills really says something. We are afraid of face-to-face or even just voice-to-voice contact. Like this kid in my Communications class group called me to discuss something for our project.... most awkward conversation EVER. I wish he would have just texted me. That would have -34% awkwardness attached instead of 74%. Maybe it's just my problem. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks actual human interaction is odd but judging by the fact that walking across campus 90% of the people I pass are either texting, on the phone or listening to their ipod... I don't think I'm that different. General Authorities have told us to unplug our headphones and keep our phones in our pockets and SMILE. Then maybe we might make legit friends. I'll work on that this week...
I'm going to work on a potato farm in April!! At least I think I will. I am really excited!! The Second Counselor in my ward told me I could come help him during the break if I'm not going anywhere. I think it'll be way fun, I will be... umm... splitting, potato...seeds? I'm not quite sure, and I'll probably fail miserably at it but I'll give it a shot. He said it would be pretty hard to mess up.
Well, it's my night to make dinner! I am going to make pork chops with a homemade applesauce topping thing. Sound good, hey?