Well first off the fact that it is 38 degrees but feels like at least 50 makes Idaho not so bad! It's basically shorts weather!
Anyways... I thought I would post some highlights of this semester so you guys all know what happened!
This is the day that we dressed up all crazy 80's and went around campus and filmed a music video to Pat Benetar's "Love is a Battlefield". We got a lot of looks that day but we had fun doing it! Later, we went to Applebee's and ran into the Second Counselor of our ward and his wife. He still makes fun of us every Sunday. The one in the front is Bryanna and Tycy is in the purple. They were friends in high school in Canada. We hang out with them everyday.
This is our friend Chris. She's from Brazil and is Tycy and Bryanna's roommate. We had a sleepover at their apartment and got twisty straws and sparkling apple cider. It exploded everywhere but it was wicked fun.
So this is about 1/4 of the sugar cookies that we made on Valentine's Day. We counted and we made over 100 sugar cookies and decorated them and brought them to our friends! We definitely started a tradition!
We went to the Stag dance on Valentine's Day with a few random friends and it turned out to be really fun. Of course I am the one boycotting all things Valentine's by wearing teal but oh well. In this picture from left to right starting the back... some guy named Mark (we don't actually know him), some other guy that my FHE brother is friends with, Austin & Eric (they are really fun!), some other guy my FHE brother is friends with, bottom: Andrew (my FHE brother), Chris, Sarah (from New Jersey, I'm driving home with her), me, Tycy & Stefan who are now dating (Stefan is also my FHE brother) and then Melanie.
This is the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting that I made. I'm sorry if it looks nasty in the pictures but it is definitely the best cake EVER.
That's about all the pictures I have for this semester! We kind of layed low on the picture taking! But I've been having LOADS of fun. I'll post some more pictures later! I think I should probably start my homework, or get out of pajamas....